Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I had no idea what I was doing, this was definetly a first for me!

We just planted our very first garden! Brad's parents were nice enough to come help us! It has been so fun to watch things start to grow. Hopefully we will be successful! Yummy!

18 weeks pregnant! The baby bump is starting to grow!
This is Charley now! He has grown so much! He's the cutest little puppy, he makes us laugh all the time.

Brad's newest adventure was riding his bike down to St. George and then doing a triathlon when he got down there! I am so proud of him! I don't know many people that would be able to do that and it's something he really loves! GO BRAD!
Hands down the most exciting thing that has happened to us yet!!! We are going to have a baby! This picture might be a little different than most, this is the day we had the embryos implanted. We got pregnant through invitro! It was a great experience, so instead of wearing something sexy to get pregnant I was in a hospital gown! The baby is due on November 21, and we are not finding out what it is! We want the suprise in the delivery room!
This is our cute little puppy Charley. This is his first day in our house. Brad is giving him a bath, practicing to be a Dad. He will be a great Dad! Charley is so much fun, he is my little buddy!
This is where we got engaged!! Brad was so creative, he had all of his friends and mine write notes on the back of their pictures telling us why we should get married. This was actually inspired by a dream I had, so when he got down on his knee he said that he would make all my dreams come true and he has! We are so blessed. We have been married now for three years. It's amazing how the days fly by. Hopefully I can catch up on fun times in the past and keep you posted on things to come!